Tuesday 15 October 2013


I saw Walter at the bus station in downtown Kitchener, he carried with him many bags and a grocery cart covered in card board. The card board had writing all over it, talking about murder cases and drugs. I only saw Walter from a distance, so I couldn't completely read what all of the signs said. He'd sing a lot of songs, like Benny and the Jets and some opera songs I didn't recognize. He'd plug his ears with his two pointer fingers and it almost seemed as if he was trying to listen to somebody, then he'd speak. He'd give an answer to something random, sometimes it was a little creepy.
"He smothered her with a pillow so she couldn't breath and then he cut her---" He wondered off.
Occasionally he'd look over at me and see that I was paying attention to him.
"God gave you eyelids so you don't gotta look at me but he didn't give you earplugs so you have to listen to me speak." He said, and then he continued on with his stories.
Though what he talked about would give you the assumption that he was mad and mean he seemed sweet, people would go up and down the elevator and say hello to him as they passed, he was well known, and I assumed he was there often. He minded his own business and though I didn't converse with him I came to know a lot about him and his interests (and certainly what he didn't stand for). He left before I did, and since I didn't get approval I didn't get a picture of his face for this blog post, sorry everyone!


  1. It's alright ... I guess I can forgive you...
    Ahaha. No but seriously, I think its awesome that you simply observed. As a journalist it's good to know your boundaries! Great observations!

  2. Too bad you couldn't have a full interview,he seemed like someon who would of have a lot of background information and a good story. Good work !
